Horror game test sheet
Name: Reece Foster
Tester: Alex
What rating would you give the game out of 5 and why?
What did you find good about the game?
The setting was good, nicely populated. The metal statues
are ominous and I felt like something was going to happen involving them.
What could be needed for improvements?
Make it a bit longer so you can include more scares, maybe
use more sounds to build up tension as terror is worse than horror as a
feeling. Didn’t get that the phobia was claustrophobia.
Overall what did you like about the game and why?
What I already said.
Horror game test sheet
Name: Reece Foster
Tester: Arran
What rating would you give the game out of 5 and why?
4.5 This is because it is well done but there could be some
improvements made.
What did you find good about the game?
I thought the sounds in the game were good. The map made me
feel claustrophobic which the level was designed for.
What could be need for improvements?
There could be more challenges rather than just walking.
Overall what did you like about the game and why?
I thought overall the map was good and well done. The jump
scare was good and the wall crush at the end was a nice addition.
Horror game test sheet Name: Reece Foster
Tester: Ashely
What rating would you give the game out of 5 and why?
3 because it made me feel claustrophobic in the small areas
What did you find good about the game?
I liked the graveyard it adds tension
What could be need for improvements?
More jump scares
Overall what did you like about the game and why?
It was good, a lot of claustrophobia and darkness
Horror game test sheet Name: Reece Foster
Tester: Karl
What rating would you give the game out of 5 and why?
What did you find good about the game?
The use of sound and only one jump scare which is good as
too many jump scares can bore players and there is good tension
What could be need for improvements?
More lighting
Overall what did you like about the game and why?
Good level, good sounds and good use of the player moving
around a course e.g the crouching and dropping to a new level.
Horror game test sheet
Name: Reece Foster
What rating would you give the game out of 5 and why?
4, because it had a lot of depth and the theme was kept
consistent throughout.
What did you find good about the game?
I liked the claustrophobic feel of the map when the walls
close in.
What could be need for improvements?
More challenges in the game (e.g. jump puzzles)
Overall what did you like about the game and why?
I liked how the phobia was kept consistent and the house had
an abandoned feel.
Horror game test sheet
Name: Reece Foster
What rating would you give the game out of 5 and why?
4 because of the intensity I felt while playing. It made me
feel like there would be something horrifying just around the corner
What did you find good about the game?
The game had good uses of different effects like the visual
effects and also the audio one’s. also the statues were positioned well so I
felt like they were going to do something.
What could be need for improvements?
The level is very short and the ending was disappointing.
Overall what did you like about the game and why?
Yeah it was good.
After all of the feed back a review of my level i plan to improve the level by adding more jump scares such as statues in many places and make the environment of the game feel more horror themed.